Family Calendar
While digital calendars accessible by smart phones work best for the way that many of us adults manage our lives, a physical calendar will b
Getting Ahead of Disorganization
To be clear, losing track of one's possessions is not a moral failing. So many things that are out of a child's control can contribu
What is a flipped class, and why are they showing up more often?
In traditional teacher-centered classrooms, information is presented in lecture style. There might be pauses for demonstrations, practice...
The Power of Positivity
The best advice I ever received in my teacher training was "Look for the good." In the daily grind and the chaos of a classroom (or home...
Making Homework Less Work
The famous words “Homework! Oh, Homework!/ I hate you! You stink!” from poet Jack Prelutsky have resonated with many children and their...
A Tutor's Back-to-School Wish List
You may have braved the aisles of your local big box store already to complete your back-to-school shopping. Or maybe you have an Amazon...
Master Math Facts
The basic math facts are the sums and products of the single-digit numbers 1-9, such as 2+2, 4+5, 3x3, and 5x7, as well as their opposite...
Accepting Fall Bookings
You've probably started to do some back-to-school planning and stocking up on supplies too. I'm also getting ready for the upcoming...
Journal More Often and Have Fun Doing It!
Writing, like most other skills, improves with practice. And yet, it can be difficult to make practicing writing appealing to children....
Extending Mathematical Thinking
Lots of children enjoy math-related activities outside of school, and many families are interested in supplementing their school’s math...