Learning Resolutions: Keep Up With a Plan Book
A lot of children are great at remembering the list of things they must do each night, but not as good at prioritizing that list and plannin
Before you dump out that backpack…
For as long as I have worked in education, I have always heard from children at this time of year that they have had it with work. Most...
Time to Book Summer Tutoring
With warmer days and even afternoon thunderstorms, it’s starting to feel like summer is around the corner. You may have even noticed that...
Do Test Retakes Lower the Stakes Too Much?
On a recent visit to a parenting message board, I saw questions and skepticism about some teachers' policy of allowing students to retake...
What does a grade mean?
Families can struggle to interpret the meaning of a child's grade. On a parenting message board, I recently came across posts challenging...
Resolving Frustration
Every child will eventually experience frustration in the classroom or while doing homework. Some children will move through this emotion...
Why try summer tutoring?
Are you considering whether tutoring should be a part of the summer activities mix for your family? The time between school years is...
The Big Summer Reading Post
Summer reading season is here! To help you plan ahead and avoid stress around summer assignments, I've compiled a lot of resources in...
Are learning styles going out of style?
The phrase “learning styles” broke out of educators’ circles and entered daily American language years ago. School children and adults in...
What is the Common Core, anyway?
Ever since its implementation the Common Core has been a political football. In fact, you may have heard that Kellyanne Conway stated...